Stories by Davidwilson1354


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Sildamax 100 mg is composed of slidenafil citrate(100 mg) and the required dosage for this medicine is once in the duration of 24 hours not more than that and should be taken at least 30 or 60 minutes before intercourse for the most effective results. This medicine should be swallowed with a glass of water and is not chewable or broken into pieces. Buy Sildamax 100mg Dosage
category photo posted by Davidwilson1354 1 year ago 0 comments edit flag/unflag delete delete and ban this url

Buy Silditop 50mg Online in USA www.foreverlivingmedss.comban site

Silditop 50mg has the salt termed as slidenafil citrate (50 mg) as it's active ingredient. Slidenafil is specifically classified under phosphodiestrase inhibitors. It increases the blood flow to the genital organ of the male during sensual stimulation and it expands the cells so it becomes more firm for intercourse. This medicine should be taken one hour before intercourse and alcohol should be avoided Proper consultation with doctor is required before taking this medicine. Silditop 50mg Online in USA
category photo posted by Davidwilson1354 1 year ago 0 comments edit flag/unflag delete delete and ban this url

Buy Extra Super Tadarise 100mg www.foreverlivingmedss.comban site

Extra super Tadarise 100 mg uses two salts termed as Tadalafil (40 mg) and dapoxetine (60 mg). This is used to treat erectile dysfunction in males and premature Ejaculation. This is one of the best medicines available in the market for these two problems. This medicine once taken has a Long lasting effect of 36 hours in your body and should be taken with water. Not chewable or should be broken. Women can't take this medicine as this is strictly for males. You must take this medicine only after Proper consultation with doctor. Buy Extra Super Tadarise 100mg
category photo posted by Davidwilson1354 1 year ago 0 comments edit flag/unflag delete delete and ban this url

Buy Vidalista 40mg dosage www.foreverlivingmedss.comban site

Vidalista 40 mg has a salt termed as Tadalafil (40 mg).Tadalafil is an active ingredient which is used to treat erection problems and even pulmonary hypertension it treats the erectile dysfunction in males. It should be taken at least 30 minutes before intercourse or males of 18 years or above are eligible for consuming this but only after proper consultation with doctor. Alcohol should be avoided before or after consumption of this medicine. Buy Vidalista 40mg Dosage
category photo posted by Davidwilson1354 1 year ago 0 comments edit flag/unflag delete delete and ban this url

Buy Fildena 50mg online www.foreverlivingmedss.comban site

Fildena 50mg has a salt termed as Slidenafil citrate (50 mg) which is used to treat erectile dysfunction in males. It lies in the middle as it dosage is not very high or low we can say it's a medium dose or for a beginner who has started the process it can be useful. Other than that It's effectiveness will work only if it is taken one hour before having intercourse. It should be taken with a proper consultation with doctor. Buy Fildena 50mg Online
category photo posted by Davidwilson1354 1 year ago 0 comments edit flag/unflag delete delete and ban this url